Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A letter to the Speaker of the House

Dear Mrs. Pelosi,

Congratulations on being the first lady to be Speaker of the House. It is a good day for America. However, I do want to share a concern over some recent news i heard about. It is concerning some protesters that defaced the Capitol steps. It is my understanding that the police were instructed not to arrest or prevent this defacement from happening. I am shocked; I am saddened. I am in favor of the right to protest. I am not in favor of marring public property. What a sad day it is for America when her own citizens do not respect the established monuments that represent her. Please take the necessary action to make sure this does not happen again.

Clif Johnson


Anonymous said...

Great idea to address your concerns. However, do you really think Pelosi being speaker of the house "is a good day for America"? How emergent of you. Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Great idea to address your concerns. However, do you really think Pelosi being speaker of the house "is a good day for America"? How emergent of you. Just kidding.