Thursday, November 09, 2006


I found an interesting article that you can read here. I am anxious to see some responses from my buddies.


Matthew Woodside said...

I want to know what kind of theology Kimball wants to incorporate into worship. As he is talking with the Youth Specialities crowd, what is he emphasizing theologically? From my readings of MacClaren, Campolo, Bell, and the like, they advocate that exploration (we are all on a journey) not proposition (repentance and faith objectively taught) is the true and vintage understading of Christainity that is especially relevant for post modern society. Pews, pulpits and titles aside, that is the real problem with the EC. It provides no real answers. It says look to Jesus, but the EC carves Jesus into whatever you want him to be.

And what is the obsession with Elvis, Johnny Cash and Carl Perkins!!??

Clif said...

i agree. i am so glad we live in the 21st century when so much of the "journey" has already been paved and we don't have to try to make a new road. i am currently reading "Generous Orthodoxy" and am actually enjoying it. i am taking the criticisms to heart, mulling them over to see if they ring true in my way of orthodoxy meeting orthopraxy.