Sunday, October 08, 2006

Top 50 evangelical books

Check out the top 50 influential evangelical books according to Christianity Today here

1 comment:

Matthew Woodside said...

Boooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Hissss, Booooooooo!!!!!

I have never heard of the number one book, and I have never heard of some of the people that were on the panel that picked the books.

Dr. Wilkes will be happy with MacGavaran being so high on the list.

I've read or read parts of about half those books.

I think someone just wanted to promote that "Prayer" book.

When you have these polls,there is usually a good rule to follow. And that is that the number one book or movie or player is usually pretty obvious. For example, when ESPN did their top 50 athletes of the century Michael Jordan (1), Babe Ruth (2) Mohammad Ali (3) and Jim Brown (4) were easy choices. When the top movies of all time are named its usually Citizen Cane, Casablanca, or Gone With the Wind. Obvious classics. I am skeptical of polls when you have obscure titles at number one. If somebody picks

Mere Christianity, Knowing God and even MacGavaran's book is a better choice than the one they picked for number one.

I was surprised Purpose Driven Life was that low. I am also surprised Osteen did not make the list. They have shaped evangelicalism for the worse but they have nevertheless shaped it. I am also surprised that none of Tolkien or Lewis's fiction made it. Talk about shaping a culture. If "Christy" gets on the list, and Tolkien LOTR doesn't, what kind of list is that!?

By the way, I'm still waiting on your DG conf. blog.