Wednesday, March 01, 2006

WD-40 please

I just started working out again this week. I have not done anything of this sort in about 5 months so i have to go through the excruciating pain of being sore for about 3 days. If only they made WD-40 for joints.

But as i go about living a healthy lifestyle i am reminded that the upkeep of the body is not near as important as the upkeep and maintanence of the soul. So my question for myself is, "Do you Clif, care for your spiritual health as much as you take time to invest in lifting weights?" Now the obvious solution to this would be to stop lifting, right? If i stop caring for the body, then it wouldn't take much to outdo that measure for the soul. But that will do me no good spiritually or physically. So i must resolve to pray for a ferocious appetite that can only be satisfied with deep communion with God. And i guess my physical soreness can parallel to the pain it sometimes is in getting started in different disciplines. But it is only a preliminary stage until you begin to receive the fruit of your efforts--the fruit being more of a love for God.

It still wouldn't hurt to have a little WD-40 though.

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