Friday, October 21, 2005

News flash--i have a small view of God

So i am reading Knowing God by J.I. Packer as part of my daily devotions and it is really stretching me. If you have ever read Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer, Packer's book is a less flowery, more practical treatise of getting to know the multi-attributed God. Both books are fantastic and should be read by every Christian at some point in their life. Here was the convicting part of today's reading: "Ignorance of it (an emotional relationship or tie with God) argues that, however true a man's thoughts of God may be, he does not yet know the God of whom he is thinking."

This is very striking and piercing to me on two fronts. First, I am not an emotional type of guy. I do not react emotionally most of the time. Part of that is inherited. The other part comes from not wanting to be seen as driven by emotion. I do have problems with people who are driven by emotions (mainly they just get on my nerves), but what is wrong with emotions that stem from truth? Nothing. Resolved, I will try to keep this in mind and put it into practice myself.

The second way this quote is devastating to me comes in the negative. I am at ease worshiping, praising, delighting in God by myself, or when i see that God is being glorified by others. But, when i see that God is not honored, am i torn and upset? No. Should i be? Yes. David said he cried rivers of tears because God's laws were not honored by the people. Even worse, i seek out people who do not honor God as my entertainment by the tv i watch, music i may listen to, etc. Do i cry rivers of tears because of the message that is being sent out to millions of viewers from the shows i watch. Nope. I don't even think about being conflicted. Why is that? Because my view of God is as small as a pin hole. So i must train, labor, discipline, and practice to let God condition me and not the world.


alightonahill said...

" religion has ever been greater than its idea of God. Worship is pure or base as the worshiper entertains high or low thoughts of God."
- Tozer

we think too lowly of an Infinite God

good word dude -

shellyeve said...

that's such a great post - i sometimes watch updates on "stars' lives" on tv - and then pray for them as they have such an influence on this culture - but there are definitely times i'm just watching a dumb show that is promoting unrighteous living and don't give it any thought whatsoever - i am such a flaky follower - i want to be more disciplined and consistent for the honor and glory of Christ - thanks for reminding me of that.